The sound of the new Toyota Gazoo Racing Hypercar


New year means new season, and new season always sparks anticipation for racing fans and teams. At the dawn of new WEC – era Toyota is teasing with some images and sounds of it’s new Hypercar that will compete at the 24 hour Le Mans race and during WEC season.

We don’t know much about new Toyota Hypercar specifications other that already known power output that is limited for all competitors at 671 horse power or 500.3 kW. Another known and exiting moment with the new rules is that 20 road models must be produced based on the new racing car.

The new Toyota racer will be presented fully in the coming days, based on the test conducted at Paul Ricard circuit and their promotional teasing videos seems that Toyota are very confident with what have achieved and produced.

Here are some of the promo videos from Toyota Gazoo Racing: